North Carolina Strawberry Season is Here!
Strawberry season has arrived in North Carolina! Thanks to a warm March strawberry crops are ready in the fields now which is about about 2 weeks earlier than past years. Many we pick/pick your own strawberry fields are open now or are opening up this week. I stopped by one of my local pick your own fields today and picked a bucket full. I brought them home, cut them up and served them for desert. They were delicious, juicy and sweet. I can’t wait to go back and pick more with plans for a strawberry cake and strawberry shortcakes on the menu in the days to come.
NC Strawberry Season Is Now!
Fresh sweet just picked strawberries are so delicious. And they are good for you too. Strawberries are an excellent source of Vitamin C, fiber, folate, potassium, and Vitamin B6 to name just a few. The kids will love going to a strawberry field to pick their own. Many strawberry farms also have other fun things thing to do while there. A strawberry farm is a great way to teach kids about how food is grown on a farm before it shows up in a grocery store.
Strawberries can be used for so many different types of food such as jellies, jams, ice cream, smoothies, pies, cakes, shortcakes, candies and so many more. Fresh strawberries are great added to breakfast cereal or oatmeal. And nothing beats a chocolate covered strawberry if you are a chocolate lover!
To find a local strawberry farm near you are some links to help:
You can also head to a local Farmers Market to get locally grown strawberries now in season. To find a Farmers Market near you go to North Carolina Farm Fresh and put in your location to find a farmers market close to you.
Strawberry season in North Carolina only last for about 5-8 weeks depending on the weather so plan a trip today and get your fresh juicy locally grown strawberries now! Enjoy!
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