Wide Open Bluegrass Raleigh
The Wide Open Bluegrass two-day event starts in downtown Raleigh on Friday October 2, 2015. The main staged events will be at the Raleigh Convention Center. All events have been moved to an indoor location due to the rain in the forecast. More than 90 bands this year. There will be the free street festival with 6 music stages and a dancing stage, a youth talent stage, and of course food with the North Carolina Whole Hog Barbecue State Championship taking place. Enjoy the free Streetfest. Plus the Artsplosure Art Market, NC Beer & Wine Garden, and over 100 artists and vendor at Wide Open Bluegrass. Sports and kids activities, World of Bluegrass Expo and trade show, Masters Workshop stage and more for this year. Jamming sessions in the street, live bands on stage, good food, beer and dancing.
Alison Krauss to be at Wide Open Bluegrass
Performers at this year’s Wide Open Bluegrass are Alison Krauss & Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas, the Gibson Brothers, Sam Bush, Steep Canyon Rangers, Balsam Range, The Claire Lynch Ban, Kruger Brothers with Kontras Quartet, Blue Highway, The Wailin’ Jennys, O’Connor Family Band, Band of Ruhks and Flatt Lonesome and many more!
Wide Open Bluegrass is from noon until 7:00 PM both Friday and Saturday.
For more details about bands, schedule, tickets and more see Wide Open Bluegrass.
Jamming at the Wide Open Bluegrass last year…
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